
USB Storage Flash Drives. Need one

USB Storage Flash Drives. Need one?

In today’s computer oriented society, information, and lots of it, is key. Each of us creates and are accountable for mass amounts of information just in the course of our everyday lives. Just think of the number of passwords you have to keep track of to conduct normal business.

One of the hottest sectors in information storage is the USB Flash Drive. They have only been around a few years but the jump in capacity and reductions in price have been amazing. No longer do we have to carry a stack of floppy disks or even CDs. Large amounts of data can be stored in devices smaller in most cases than a penknife. These storage flash drives come in sizes from 256mb to 32gb. Even larger sizes are on the horizon.

But how can they be used,and do you need one?

They are commonly used by students these days to carry term papers,class files and research around campus. Information on these drives can be exchanged between computers and students. Even music and video files are easily stored and accessed with these drives.

USB storage flash drives are also increasingly used in business. Customer files can be easily transferred between work and home computers. Companies are even branding drives with their logo and including sales information in special sectors on the drive.

Lots of hospitals use these drives now to store patient information around the hospital. The drives can be fastened to keychains or lanyards for increased security. As many as 12,000 patient files are at doctor or nurse fingers quicky and reliably.

These are just a few of the groups who are beginning to regularly use USB drives in their everyday practices. Maybe you are among them or maybe you are among the countless other industries just beginning to find the usefulness of the drives.

Do you need one? If you do not use computers daily, probably not. But if like me you find yourself in front of a screen most every day, I’d get at least one.

